Posts by Laydeemoon 4
March 13, 2011
I should have written about 8 articles by now but I am in the process if editing only one. I haven't posted any content on my ready websites and account yet because I haven't finished writing any of course! Duh. This is supposed to be easy, really. And I gotta find a way to research, plan, outline, create, and refine these unwritten articles with only one hand on the keyboard and my baby on the other arm, literally. I don't even have time to balance the two, I have to manage
March 07, 2011
Running 1-2 days late everyday with my tasks, I guess the 30-Day Club won't be just 30 days for me. Just finished setting up my Home, About Me, Privacy Policy, and Blog pages today on my 3 websites (i mean just the headings, haha). I should've realized how busy working on 3 websites as a newbie will be. I'm still establishing a balancing at between babysitting and Internet marketing, and I find it challenging. Hope I master this act soon. I think I'll go with article marketing since I won't need
March 06, 2011
Wow I so missed out by not finishing the Day 2 tasks yesterday:( Just officially resigned from my KGB Work-at-Home job 'cause scheduled shifts and a required number of hours per weekends and weekdays for a minimum wage pay is impossible with a light-sleeping, cries-when-put-down, exclusively breastfeeding baby attached leech-like to you 24/7. I DO love my Lila, it's just that I missed one whole workday yesterday that's all.  Okay so today I did everything on the Day 2 checklist, tick tick.
March 03, 2011
Inspired by another blog post to start keeping track of my own, I just finished Day 1 this morning and purchased 3 domain names for 3 niches I'm really passionate about ('cause .info was on sale for over a dollar that's why:) Hope the niches I chose turn out to be interesting and get substantial traffic. Gotta start thinking of what quality content I oughta write right now. Looking forward to Day 2!
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