A watched pot never boils

Last Update: June 26, 2010

I must learn to stop watching my click numbers!  I'm sure it's a noob thing right?  Get up in the morning, check your adsense clicks, check your WA clicks, check your analytics.

Eat breakfast, check them all again - cause God forbid someone clicked on something in the 13 minutes it took you to prepare breakfast.

Head into work (if you still have to work like I do!).  Work, take a break - check links, adsense, analytics, WA, etc.

Work some more - chem them over lunch.

2 clicks?!?!  What the?!?!  Aww man.

 Finish out the day, drive home - check again...

You get the picture.  I'm sure it would look a whole lot better and feel a whole lot better if I just waited oh...  I don't know, at least a DAY before I looked  haha

I kill myself sometimes.  Patience.  Keep working.  More will come.

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Jokodamma Premium
I know EXACTLY what you mean...
momof10 Premium
Yes, I guess it must be a newbie thing. I find myself doing the same thing. It happens with everything I look at, music I hear, television I watch, magazines I read...good grief! This is craziness. I wonder if this goes on forever or if we eventually pass through it. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.. Keep working, keep focused, keep the faith and you're good to go! Success is yours!
Lee P. Premium
Ain't it the truth? haha Thanks!
Garage667 Premium
hahahahahaha!You just remind me of myself Lee.I do the exact same thing!Even when i go to the other room for 2 minutes, i then come back and check out if any new clicks or e mails have arrived!Keep up the good work buddy!Thanks for posting
Jamie Smith Premium
I agree 100%, water always seems to boil faster when I step away. Check your stats in the morning when you wake up and stay away from them for the rest of the day.