How To Opimize Your Blog Post

Last Update: January 15, 2012

When I was doing research on "How I can optimize images on my site" I came across this topic also and it really inspired me and I think I should share it with other members of Wealthy Affiliate. More so,  it will be useful for new members. The topic is:

How To Optimize Your Post

1. Research of Keyword: It is possible for you to think of what people are searching for as far as your blog concept is concern but using tool like WA Keyword Research tool, Google Keyword Research tool even a paid tool like Jaaxy will give better idea of what people are searching that is related to your niche or blog concept.

2. Focus on Low Competition Keywords : During the conduct of your keyword research, you do not need to spent too much time on this as all you need is to pick those words or phrases that have these four features, that is, make meaning, low competition, have good search traffic and relevant to your blog concept. Pick out as many of these keywords as possible, you can put them in writing so that you wouldn't forget them.

3. Write Article on These Chosen Keywords: Write quality post targeting each of  these chosen low competitive keywords. Remember, it must be quality content and it must be helpful to your readers.  The quality the content the better.

4. Include Your Keyword in Post Title and Title tags

5. Include Your Keyword in Your Article: You do not need to fill your article with your keyword but rather 1% to 2% of  total word count of your article.

6.  Include Keyword in your Meta Description tags: Using keywords in your meta description tags does not help you rank higher. However, when you include them, when people search on Google for a specific keyword, your keyword is bold in the search engines results. So, while it may not help you rank higher, it will encourage people to click on your search results.

7. Include Image That is Related to your Keyword: Showing image that is related to your keyword will give your visitor true metal picture of your concept.

Putting these seven steps into action will optimize your blog. Next time I will add to more to these



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