About Liezel
Joined July 2012
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avonhagn787 Premium
Welcome liezel!
Linda Fedun Premium
Hi, and welcome to WA. I liked your blog post, blogging is my favorite way to get questions answered. Don't be afraid to use it if you're confused about something. Good luck, enjoy.
Hi Linda... just want to ask how did you earn in this site on your own experience...
mama2karsten Premium
I enjoyed reading about your wonderful wedding story. Congrats on your marriage and welcome to WA. You've made 2 great decisions. Do not be afraid to ask questions if you need help. Just make a post and someone will respond. Good luck.
thank you so much for your reply and welcoming me here.. People here are great and friendly they really help newbies...
AdvocateScott Premium
Thanks for following!
your welcome...
DABK Premium
Welcome to WA. If you have questions, feel free to ask me.
thanks for welcoming me... can you give me short discussion about this site..or some tips...