SEO on my posts

Last Update: May 31, 2012
Hello, I am using a prototype theme and on the bottom of each post it has the option of POST SEO and then below that I have the option for All in one SEO. My question is which one should I fill with the title,Meta description and keywords?

Thank you very much in advance!

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Lorette Premium
But I have 2 meta descriptions and 2 boxes of kw to fill my question is which one I should fill? and about title and meta I got more confused now :-(
slayton1s Premium
Don't fill in title. Google will do this for you. Just fill in the meta description & keywords. Trust me. Google will organize your content like POST TITLE | BLOG TITLE automatically for you. If you input something yourself or only put your post title on there, chances are it'll take like 1 week or more before it gets indexed because you screwed something up. Just let Google do the title for you.
slayton1s Premium
The all in one SEO plugin is simply a way of letting Google know in advance what content you have on your site. The keyword box and the meta description one are really by far the 2 most important things on there, despite how Google doesn't seem to be looking at meta descriptions anymore. I do understand why they aren't though, partly since people have been putting website links & other dumb things in there meta descriptions.
Labman_1 Premium
I'd use the All in one SEO. Title and keywords. Google says they don't look at meta description any more. I figure it can't hurt in case it makes a difference under the radar. Who knows, maybe Bing uses it.