Posts by Lorette 16
May 16, 2012
Hi everybody! I'm creating subdomain on my website and I would like to know if this name is better to put it with for example: or is better this way: Just want to know that, thank you in advance!
May 11, 2012
Is there anybody here that has used zee magazine theme on the website? I have some questions, I know how to create the menus, but this theme supports two lines of menus and I am trying to understand what is the kind of information or level I should put in each of these menus. Thank you!! Lorena.
May 10, 2012
I was trying to install the plug in and I think I scrup up something because now I cannot acces to my webpage it says: Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute I don't know how to fix this, who could help me please??
Hello to everybody! I already installed my domain name on WA but now I don't know how to proceed. It seems like they offer me blogs on wordpress but I don't want really a blog, I want a website with a menu.  What's the next step now to create a website? as I said, I already put my domain name on WA.. but what's next?  Thank you very much!
May 05, 2012
I am now buying a domain for my website. I have a question, I want to create my brand so should I put the name of the domain and then in the same name write "by Lorette" or I should just put the name of the domain and then on the webpage (on the logotype) to put "by Lorette"? what is the best way to make public see my name on the searching's results on google? Thank you very much!
I am a beginner with zero experience and I don't have any computer's systems studies so I have a long way to go. I have read a lot and I understand how the process works I mean, choosing the niche, the keywords and creating a website that we can create on wordpress and so on. But I am kind of stuck in the basic thing: what is the path in this WA? My questions basically are: 1.- Do I have to write articles on Street Articles to make money? and how that works? I mean I know how to writ