An IMarketer gives quality PLR stuff away. A lot. Interested?

Last Update: August 06, 2010

Hi fellows!

Let's make things clear here, I never use PLR articles. NEVER. But PLR ebooks, if they're well written, not stuffed with links, can be good giveaways if you want to build a list of subscribers. Well you actually should. Subscribers are potential buyers! :)

I'm posting pretty often on the Warrior Forum and sometimes, not always but sometimes, people give cool stuff, share awesome strategies too. Anyway, there's a guy who's a senior Warrior member and to thank the community for thanking him 200 times for his previous posts (odd reason, I agree. lol), he gives away pretty cool PLR stuff related to the health niche mostly (anxiety, drugs, acne, ADHD, beauty, diet...).

You don't need to opt-in, you just download what you want from the page. There are some pretty cool pdfs that you can give away as incentives to your visitors for them to opt-in to your list. Some of the ebooks or reports are Word documents so you can modify them, add affiliate links if you want. Then you can just convert them into PDFs using this free online tool

Click the penguin below to see the link where the post is located. (yes I could have put the link directly but this penguin is so cute and looks so soft...!)

That's it! Hope it'll be useful to some of you. 

Just a quick word before you download these PLR ebooks and stuff, don't ever forget that this kind of content isn't the key to your success, ok? If you decide to give something to your visitors you need to make them want to take action (meaning to eventually buy something). Attracting only people looking for free stuff is perfectly useless.

Send awesome info to them afterwards, connect with them, tell them you hope the ebook opened their eyes on this and that, what you personally think of it, share stuff about your own experiences.

Help them.

They'll be grateful.

They'll trust you.

They'll buy from you.

The money isn't in the list guys, it's in the relationship with the list! (I think I've written this like 10 times before but it's always good to repeat it)

In case you didn't start building your list and think it's the right time to do so, you can sign up with AWeber, the best autoresponder service Earth has ever known! I actually do mean that.

(The aweber link is my affiliate link, of course. I actually didn't plan on putting it here but then I thought that if some of you want to start list building you can as well sign up with AWeber through my link!)


Cheers buddies,

~ Louise


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StacyS Premium
Hi there! I thought I was having some connection issues the first time I tried to visit this & it didn't work, but it's still not working for me. Could you message me the guy's username, maybe? I specialize in health, so this offer is super interesting to me! Thanks so much!!!!
andys43us Premium
Thanks for sharing.
Fallulah Premium
Y'know I must be the only person on the plant not to be a Warrior ... your post makes me think I should go look :). Thanks Louise :)
moonvine Premium
me too. let's find each other at the warrior forum. i just went back in there last week - haven't been in forever. and yes, I am off to check out these plr's too. Thank you, Louise!
maureenhannan Premium
Good suggestion, Louise. I'll check this out. (I like the Warrior Forum too--it's a teeming IM "city" of ideas and offers.)