Bearded geeks, rejoy! ;)

Last Update: December 01, 2010

Ok, this is (a bit) off topic but I just see ads here and there although I don't own a TV and I notice that we talk a lot now about how women are pictured in commercials and how "real" women don't feel normal when they compare themselves with the standards they watch on TV. And it's an important issue for sure.

We're in a society that focuses a lot on women which is a good thing after years of discrimination against them but I think the relationship men have to the commercials picturing "perfect" men as the norm isn't discussed in equal measure, although I think it should.

So, to all the guys who aren't tall, shaved, well groomed, with six-packs and a hairless torso, I say rejoy! The male models on TV aren't women's ideal.

Check this out as a proof (the pics are not that relevant in my opinion 'cause they only show celebs but you'll get the point) and yeah, I endorse this message! :)

Btw, as marketers, being on the side of  "reality" and staying close to people and their real needs and sending them a message they feel connected to is a more ethical way of doing business and actually a good marketing strategy.




P.S. This post isn't objective at all as I'm watching "Freaks and Geeks" and truly think Seth Rogen and Jason Segel are ideal guys.  :)


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sherbet penny Premium
woooo hoooo Joan I'm a great cook haha (it is my trade) and Louise, nice different post. I agree about men being compared to "perfect models" but I can slightly disagree on the articles polls as I believe everyone's tastes are different, It's impossible to please everyone as some actually like "the perfect look etc" and others couldn't give a dam.
I agree with Joan on a good sense of humor and Intelligence (in a woman of course).
When I see men on magazines who have the abs, chiseled jaws etc. not one bit of envy would run through my body, more appreciation to the fact that they have probably worked hard to look like that, and in some ladies eyes, it's what they like to see. I suppose, you can't please all and fortunately there is a look for everybody to enjoy.
Louise M. Premium
@Wesley - Thank you for this comment, I really appreciate it. @Joan - Your comments made me smile! :) I agree with you on many levels :) I recently found a tote bag that says "Beards are sexy" with 2 vintage drawings picturing 2 men wearing different beard styles from the 19th century I think. It's funny. It would be a good "filter" I guess ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
I don't know any of these people personally, but not too shabby are: Johnny Depp, Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Jackman, and Ryan Reynolds.
jatdebeaune Premium
Well Lou, I'll share a little something here. Intelligence is a real turn on. Even more than that is a sense of humor. Those two things seem to go hand in hand. Also, sensitivity and talent, and generosity. "Up tight" is a turn off. Yes, I'm a hair person, but prefer it growing on a person's head. The cave man look is not for me. Now, if he can cook, we're in business.
WRI Premium
Non objectivity from what the world would dub a borne loser, I salute you, understanding and respecting each word you typed.