I'm a TED translator !! :)

Last Update: April 02, 2010

Yooho ! :)

I applied as an English to French translator on TED.com and I've been approved ! I know you don't care 'cause you're not French lol but I'm so glad to be able to participate in spreading the brilliant ideas shared by the brilliant people who speak at TED conferences by making french subtitles available to French speaking people.

I'm currently reviewing the translation of a great speech about "regenerating our bodies" (!) and will soon translate the Tony Robbins video I've posted on that blog a few weeks ago ! I'm excited ! ;)

TED talks have been a great motivation for me (and still are) and pushed me to take action and believe in my own entrepreneurial mind and potential. That kind of energy and belief pushed me to join the WA community. I'm always glad when I can give back and translating TED talks is a great way to contribute ! :)


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Ted_on_Kauai Premium
Félicitations! --ToK
Louise M. Premium
Thank you Joan !! I'm glad you thought I was american ! I actually sound american too as I don't have a french accent at all, american people I meet in Paris always think I'm from Chicago or Boston although I've never been to these cities! lol ;)
Thanks for dropping by! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Louise, If I didn't know you were French, I'd be willing to bet you were American from your writing style. More like us than the Brits. Though they sound like us too here at WA. Ahhh, no they don't. Oh now I'm confused. Congratulations is all I'm trying to say.
Louise M. Premium
Thx !! Check out the talks on their website, some of them will blow your mind, really. It's brilliant! One of my goals is to go to a TED conference one day ! ;)
Oh and thx for your comment on the aweber postcard post! Your business idea is great, that would indeed be an awesome service for small and big companies but it would require a lot of hands ! I wonder how they get organized at Aweber to send postcards like that...!
sox1n05 Premium
Wow, that is really cool! I have heard about TED, but didn't know a whole lot about it. It sounds like it's a pretty big accomplishment. Congratulations! Let us know how it goes!