Make Some Money By Helping Non-Profit Organizations. It's Simple & Free.

Last Update: May 13, 2010

Just wanted to share with you the only self funding tool for non-profit that can make you some money too if you want to help. All this is totally free.

When you Join i5, you choose a non profit (among Red Cross International, Save the Children, St. Jude's Children's Hospitals, Shriner's Children's Hospitals and Make a Wish Foundation). From that moment on, when you request personalized ads (through a small browser button), your non profit earns money. This is a free, simple process to fund non profits. And when your non profit makes money, you make money too!

This tool includes a missing children alert. When a child is reported missing in your immediate area, your browser button receives a Missing Child i5 alert.

Here's the link:


~ Louise


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