About Lsahakia
Joined August 2012
My name is Lauren Sahakian. I am a senior at Arizona State University, double majoring in Music and Computer Information Systems. My three primary focused areas are music, technology, and business. I also work at KBAQ 89.5 FM as a recording engineer.

Story of how I came across Wealthy Affiliate:

Aside from music, I have a very large passion for coming up with stupid ideas on how to make money fast and easy. Keep in mind that I am a college student starving for big bucks to pay off my college tuition, so even small money is better than no money at all!

Not surprisingly, most of my ideas failed. So eventually I came across a blog, "I've Tried that", which led me to discover Wealthy Affiliate. Since I am brand new to Wealthy Affiliate, I cannot say whether or not this idea has led me to success, but I felt that it was worth the risk. When I am more familiar with this website, I will update this page to let you know how this new idea worked. Hopefully this time I am on the right track =)
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mama2karsten Premium
Hello and Welcome to the wonderful world of WA!  You are entering great community of learning with many contributors. I would suggest starting with "Your First 10 Days " program. (located screen left under "recommended training".) There are so many tools for learning here... use them correctly and you will become a "master of the craft"... blogs, video tutorials, forums and training programs, all here in WA. And more importantly, if you have any questions, ask them. You will discover there are many helpers here... post here, post in live chat... whatever you do, post it! That way you'll find your answer quickly. I look forward to following your progress and good luck.
Thank you for the help!!
jespinola Premium
Hey welcome to WA. any question let me know.
Hello, thank you for the warm welcome. Right now I'm still exploring the website, but I will let you know if I have questions.
bigstevec Premium
welcome aboard - this is a cool place to hang out - it's like facebook with an education - from the sound of your education and the fact that you probably grew up around computers - i'k think this business would be a natural fit for you - there's a lot to learn but you can also make some dough without being an absolute master - enjoy the ride
Hello Steve, thank you again for recommending this site. Yes, you can say that I have a bit of computing experience =) I actually volunteered to teach adult classes for computing/software within the Department of Information Systems Club at ASU. Fun times! Anyways, I look forward to working more with you.
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Aloha Lauren, and Welcome to WA!

I just have to say I saw your last name and thought it was cool:) Is it Sahakia or Sahakian?

I just visited Goodyear, AZ a couple months ago and it was pretty toasty. Never left the house without my bottled water:)

I have to give you "props" for going to school, working, AND trying to build an online business/ income. I guess you make time for things that matter, huh?

Whether you stay or not, I really hope you get the thrill of making money online. It is the best "job" I've EVER had (yes, it's true when they say you never "work" a day in your life if you do what you love).

Anyway, network with internet marketers while you're in here. We're all looking for ways to "succeed" and sharing what has worked not only helps the other person, but also you (it actually starts ingraining sound concepts into your own mind...and you actually teach YOURSELF stuff).

Anyway, we're here to help in anyway we can. Keep us posted on any successes.


PS Do you remember what your were looking for when you landed on Steve's "I've Tried That" site and what attracted you to WA?
Hello Charlie, yes Arizona is very hot! Never leave anything in the car (including CD's). I found out more than a few times that everything melts!

My last name is Sahakian. It's a very common Armenian name, but I've never been to Armenia and will not attempt to understand the language.

I had actually found Steve's site through a google search. I cannot remember the exact search words that I had used, but the subject was along the ways of how to get paid by sticking advertisements on my car. I immediately noticed Steve's website because it was listed on the first page of google (Great SEO techniques used here). The title of his website "I've Tried That" also factored into my visiting his website. People, including myself, are naturally interested in negative opinions because this exposes scams and potential mistakes we might make. Of course, it's definitely better to learn from someone else's mistake than our own.
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Are you a night owl, too? - ha ha

Armenian, huh? Well, it's not so common here, thus, the "cool factor."

Your comment about people being naturally interested in negative opinions reminded me of something I learned here.

I'm pretty sure you didn't see or hear about the "backdoor entry" in keyword research yet, but I thought I'd mention it here for anyone to take with them.

(I think I learned this from WA member "Marcus" so credit him if you like it)

Normally, when people promote a product they look for keywords with the product name inside, i.e. "36 inch Toshiba Flat Screen 36-ee433d review" and usually write a biased rating b/c they want to sell

But, let's say the product you want to promote is really popular and good keywords are tough to come by.

Enter the "Backdoor Keyword Method." Here's where you can exploit the searcher's natural curiosity of negative opinions. You'll have a high CTR (click through rate).

Backdoor Keyword Method = find the COMPETITION of the product you're trying to promote. But, you want to target a little broader keyword b/c this indicates the searcher is still in "shopping around" mode. So, instead of using a keyword like

"36 inch Coby Flat Screen Model 36-FS334544a"

you would use a keyword like

"36 inch Coby Flat Screen TVs"

Now imagine seeing a title like:

"36 inch Coby Flat Screen TVs- Don't Get Ripped Off!"

Would you want to click through to find out what's so bad?

Then you go ahead and give your negative review and at the end say something like:

The Toshiba 36 inch-ee433d offers much better color, options, and warranty, for just $50 more.

Do you see why it's called the back door method?

I thought it was pretty cool when I learned that.

Wow, the backdoor method sounds like it's pretty effective. Thank you for sharing this information with me. I'll keep this in mind.
Deezdz Premium
Hi there Isahakia... Welcome to WA! ~ Denise
Thank you for the warm welcome!