Don't Follow Everything These Top Marketers are Telling You

Last Update: January 28, 2010

What I mean is don't follow EVERYTHING these people are telling you. The top marketers have their own system. There's no way you can possibly follow everybody's system.

I would suggest you pick 2 to 4 people to follow. Learn from those and then you should be able to grasp the concept of what you're looking for.But you must remember that is how THEY do it. Take a few notes from them and DO something with that info. If it works for you then expand that concept to fit you.

Since I've been here I've noticed that people give you tips and advice that's pretty use-full  but you can't do EVERYTHING that EVERYBODY suggest at one time. Take your time and learn how they do it.You must be willing to try all options before you find your lane because they had to do the same. Many people gave them advice and tips but they figured out what fit them personally.

In conclusion I say, "Don't Try To Learn Too Much To Fast". The top people here took their time to learn what they know now, as should anybody just starting out.

L8ter WA :o)

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marlo Premium
Great advice for new comers, you're exactly right about trying to follow everyone at one time it can be very overwhelming,, like a kid in a candy store sure everything is good but if you try to digest it all you're going to end up with a stomach ache.
It's best to stick with just a few people information and make it work for you or you will be going in all kind of directions at once.
RogerW Premium
Indeed. Great advice. Use everything as a guide but trust yourself as well - even if you fail a little.
BizzyLady Premium
Very good advice. Thanks!
idm Premium
Agreed. Throw out anything that doesn't work for you.
sox1n05 Premium
that's a great post! It's true though. Learn what you can and then try and come up with what will work well for YOU! That's the beautiful thing about internet marketing - there's infinite routes that will get you to the same place!