I'm Part Owner of Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: September 08, 2010

Hey WA Team,

This has been long overdue... But I wanted to share some truth with you.

As the title states, I am one of the owners of WA and have been since March 22, 2007.

Let me explain..

On March 22, 2007, I decided to take ownership of my online marketing dream and turn it into a reality by joining WA.

And by becoming a member of the WAU, I have essentially invested shares in the company (via my monthly membership cost) to have the website constantly be improved thus make WA the most bad-ass internet marketing training center around.

Every month, my membership fee goes to upgrades, additional features, enhanced training to ensure that we are always expanding and a great affiliate program so I can tell people about the company that I love.

And you know what? This would make YOU and owner of WA too!

Think about this...

In exchange for your monthly fee, you get your WA virtual office where you can research about various niches and strategies, make use of your research tools, host a website to promote your company and let other WA owners about how your business is doing.

It's all about mindset folks...
Make a mental shift like above and you will succeed.


Kind Regards,

Fellow WA Owner


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Penelope Premium
Great post! A wonderful way to think of WA. Thanks for your inspiration. Part owner of Wealthy Affiliate...I like it!!
Wayne Hudler Premium
That is successful thinking right there!

We all are in charge of how we think. We can help it. So why not think like a winner?
yarddog Premium
Great lift Jay, I never thought my monthly fee in the manner you described. When just starting and you are going along doing as you have been instructed and you look up and you are not making any ROI it is quite depressing. Your lift came at the right time also thanks for the answers you have given me to my questions in the forum and I hope someday I can be a help as you are.
Jamie Smith Premium
Great minds think alike once again Jay. This Saturday I am celebrating my 11months since joining the WA family. By far one of the best choices I have made during my successful career worldwide.
reefswimmer Premium
Gosh Jay, I love it----and I feel the same way too !
Diane, reefswimmer