Thanks 2009 For The Commission...

Last Update: December 29, 2009

2009 for me, has been a tremendous year...

Things that I have done:

  • Traveled to a couple different affiliate seminars for free
  • Increased my WA commission
  • Purchase two vehicles and put silly Lambo doors on one
  • Started a new search engine marketing company
  • Conducted my own seminar for small businesses
  • Started my own e-store (Lambo Doors )

Wow - as I type this out, I am realizing that I accomplished alot this year!  

Wanna know the secret to how I did all this? OK - here it is:

I Did NOT give up and believed in myself...

I have been reading several post/blogs within the WA community that are merely focusing only on their negative opinions on WA and think that this wasted karma/energy can be applied to better things such as applying the skills learned thus far.

If you were lost in the woods and had a cell phone, would you call someone to complain that you are lost in the woods or would you ask for help?

It's the same thing here. If you are lost or need some help - ask in the forum, post in your blog.

Just don't give up and keep learning - if I can do it, so can you.


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larmr Premium
Two words... "Inspirational Post!"
joniki Premium
I completely agree with focusing on the positive. Sometimes I wonder if people who dwell an the negative are just setting up that build in excuse for failure..

"See, I told you, all those misspelled word and poor grammar caused me to fail in my business"

I don't even spend a minute thinking about what i cannot do or why a tutorial is not spelled tha right way. I read for what it is and implement.

Here's to an even better 2010 for all of us!
R-L-Atch Premium
Jay these are wonderful words of wisdom and I thank you for sharing! I agree with you 100% and hope that more people read your blog! Cheers to you and I hope 2010 will bring you more rewards and many more blessings! All the best... Rob
sox1n05 Premium
That's a great post man! While I've certainly haven't accomplished that much, I can geniunly look back at 2009 and come out saying that I know a hell of a lot more than I did before!

Great post - I like the cell phone comment!
StorminNorman Premium
WTG dude! You did accomplish a lot in 2009. And I would imagine it has been well worth the effort. I hope 2010 is good for you as well. Of course it will be as long as you do the work. Have a great New Year :-)