The Affiliate Unsubscribe Challenge

Last Update: October 13, 2009

I don't know about you, but when I first started out in internet marketing, I was subscribed to every internet marketing guru's list you could think of.


I thought that if I was subscribed to these lists,I would be able to find little bits of relevant information that I could use for my marketing campaigns.  And I did find some good info.

But I was already a member of Wealthy Affiliate...

In fact, I found myself consuming so much time reading these emails, that I felt overwhelmed with info overload and not spending any time within WA.
Not to mention that 95% of these guru emails were pimping out other people's products for commission.

It was then I realized that I needed to unsubscribe from a whole bunch of these lists and focus my time and energy in WA. 

After that, internet marketing got a whole lot easier because I wasn't distracted. My income started to rise because I was taking action.

So My Challenge To You Is This...

Go through your last 10 emails from whatever you are subscribed to and unsubscribe. It's painful at first - but it get's easier.  Seriously, what have you gained from those last 10 emails??

Most email list have the unsubscribe located at the bottom. 

But Don't Unsubscribe from WA!!

Ever since I joined WA, Kyle and Carson have NEVER sent me information on a different product - so they are OK to stay on with.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate your comments. 

I BTW - sign up to my list as I has some great information on how you can make more money online. :)



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phbreez Premium
Right...had a few...done....just junk that wastes time...I agree it is all here on WA....Phil
casandra_j_k Premium
I agree! you have no idea how many things i need to unsubscribe to. More than you could ever believe. Many survey sites and stuff like that. I dupe myself into continuing recieving the mail because i am so close to cashing out on the prize or amount of money i want. when i really should just get rid of them all together.
anthony2791 Premium
Wonderful advice...
Barnabus Premium
I agree with you 100%. I've been chasing the rabbit so long , me and the rabbit both have gray hair. I'm in the process now of unsubscribing. I don't open or respond to most of the stuff anyway. Thanks for posting this.
bettyjean Premium
I can TOTALLY identify with everything you said. I am not sure of the number, but I had subscribed to numerous online ventures in hopes of finding something that suit my needs and make money to meet my financial obligations. I got on my computer two days ago to check my emails and I had 85 new emails -- I had just checked my emails the night before and opened and filed everything away. I had been getting large number of emails for almost two months. I just couldn't continue this. I was getting nowhere. I opened all 85 emails and unsubscribed to 80 of them. That felt like a heavy burden had been lifted.

Now I have the time to devote to WA. I have delve back into WA and looking forward to my $$$$$.

In my opinion, there are no other affiliate programs that comes close to WA.