About Makers-n-seven
Joined September 2009
Stared out online in 2008, and have been able to steadily build my business and income each month. Like many, spent many frustrating late nights learning this stuff, which is why I started my own website at GetStartedMarketing.com to try and share and pay forward everyone who has helped me in the past.

This is my second tour on WA, and I question why I ever left in the first place.

I am happy to help anyone who I can, and I will not give you an answer if I do not know it. A simple "I dont know" goes farther than giving some off the wall advice that will only lead you in a bad direction.

I really believe in working together and building synergies.

I am working on my first product, and would like to hear from others or talk to anyone interested in doing a J/V with it.

I am from Kentucky. Went to University of Kentucky and have a Graduate Degree from there. Yes, I am a big Kentucky Football and Basketball fan, I have been going to those games since I was a very little. I also like bourbon, horse racing, playing poker, and spending time with my wife.
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HandyAndrew Premium
Gday buddy,
So i guess your favourite Buorbon is Makers Mark? Mines Rum, Bunderburg Rum. But i like Poker.
Well i will get on to your website to see if i can learn somethin to get me earnin some money now, chat later.
HandyAndrew Premium
Wow, i didn't think you we're on line? When i looked at your profile it has a cross through it? Bacardi is nice, i drink hat too. Tell me please should i be concentrating on writing articles or setting up a website?
Cheers Andy
makers-n-seven Premium
Hey There. Yeah, I am a big makers mark fan! I used to be a fan of rum, mostly Bacardi, even had a decal of the Bacardi bat made for my car a long time ago (silly, I know!).
Best of luck to you. Let me know if I can be of any help.
makers-n-seven Premium
Tough question. If you are just getting your feet wet, start with articles. You will need to set up a site on a place like weebly.com, blogger.com, or squidoo.com, and then send traffic from articles to those sites. If you find some success, reinvest profits into hosting, domain names and the like and start getting your own website online. Thats the approach I took. If you want to spend a little now, then maybe you can consider your own site, but it does cost a little money (hosting, domains etc...)
m.rathod Premium
Hey makers-n-seven, this is a question coming from your comment on Kat_2001's blog about her first lens, you said that she should personalize her author box more and that telling everyone she's there to sell a product is a turn off, i'm just wondering how do you go about doing that exactly?, an example would be great, thanks
makers-n-seven Premium
Hey no problem. I would treat that area no different from other text modules. Google crawls and indexes the author bio area as well as the main lens content, so you would want to make it keyword rich and enticing. I normally do not worry about talking about "me" in that area, instead, I will talk about how the Garmin Nuvi GPS was the latest release from Garmin and the features are exactly what users have been demanding from GPS units for the past year....... make sense?
R-L-Atch Premium
Hey my KY fan... I am from KY too and live just outside of the Ville. Would appreciate any advise you could give to a "newbie" like me. I am determined to learn this IM stuff and would love love to learn from vet's such as yourself.... Thanks for your time and I hope to chat with you in the future. Cheers!
blossomvinson Premium
Welcome to WA. You are at the right place if you are here to learn internet marketing and succeed. Let me know if you need any help. Will be glad to be of help.

TJ Books Premium
Welcome, and lots of luck! John