About Mariana
Joined July 2009
My name is Mariana and I am fairly new to the internet marketing world. Lots of theory knowledge about this subject...and now it is time to take some action.
My hobby is Ballroom and Latin dancing. I also have a part time job. I would really like to refine my internet marketing skills as I love computers. This combination of web programing, design, market research, PPC, blogging...is so fascinating. It would also be great to make some money while learning all this.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Steven.P Premium
Hi Mariana i've wanted to try latin dancing for a while i might try it next week actually. welcome to wealthy affiliate if you havent done so yet get started on the 8 week action plan good luck and best wishes!
Mariana Premium
Thanks very much!
Looking forwards to it. If I were just able to pick a niche...I would be in so much better position to start marketing. I am having hell of a time to decide on a niche. Working as a health care professional....it should be easy but this is the single reason I have not done anything yet!