Posts by Martinact420 8
Hello All My Friends -  Selling One of My Websites and Thought I would Let You All Know, Take a Look, Maybe it's Right for You! - Let me know what you think, thanks, Tom
October 02, 2010
I want to talk to you about one part of marketing on the Internet that I absolutely hate: social bookmarking.  You hear all over that you need to do it to help your pages rank better and to drive more traffic to your site.  It's true.  But there's a problem: It's incredibly boring! Is there anything more mind-numbing than clicking through to site after site after site and pasting in links?  I hate it.  Hate, hate, hate.  It's so bad it makes me want to give up and
Yo.  I just thought I would tell some peeps that I had my best day of sales yet, $200 today from 3 sales.  First off, it just feels nice to tell someone.  Everyone around me just thinks I'm nuts when I tell em I'm gonna make it on the Internet and that I fully believe I'm not that far away from spectacular incomes. Why do I think this? Because I remember the days when I would make 20 cents and tell my friends and they would just laugh and laugh.  I told them tho that if I cou
July 15, 2010
 Yo.  C2M's Ruck (yeah I know he's an a-hole whatever) wrote a fantastic blog post about keywords,  Newbs should check it out cause it'll teach ya quick how to get some f-ing keywords rockin.  Dont say I never did nothin for ya's. Peace. Holler then...
February 03, 2010
 Hey what up everyone?  Listen, I need your help here.  I cannot log into the WA forum and I am getting absolutely no help from WA Support.  Even though I have repeatedly emailed them about this.  But before we go any further here I would like to make a quick note for people new to WA. This is the first time I have ever had a problem at WA in 9 months.  So no I am not trying to slam on WA or anything and I really loathe to talk shit here about them but enough is eno
Traffic Eruption is a new site that says it guarantees more CONVERTING web visitors and online advertising with very little effort or cost. So I decided to put it to the test... My first impression was the site looks professional and clean, with an attractive look and feel. It is easy to read and understand. Joining the site was easy and painless--they do offer 2 upgrade options but they are not required to gain the benefits. The Members Area is very well laid out and intuitive--I could figure
Yo, this is the deal.  You need to join the Free Traffic System today.  Even if you dont know what it does.  It's free, and as soon as you delve a bit into building websites, you are going to need it.   Let me just give you an idea of what the Free Traffic System has done for me.  Search in Google for - "link:", you will see I have over six thousand back links pointing to a website I built in June 2009. &n
1 comment
October 28, 2009
Yo everybody thats been asking me questions, take a look now, I built this website for free in about 1 hour, now granted all the content except the main page was given to me by my affiliate company, this is how easy IM can be, Is this site ranked for the keywords in G? Not yet but I just built the darned thing, so now I will wait a bit and then start blasting backlinks around the web Then just wait and get cash, lol I probably shouldn't even be showing anybody thi