Posts by Martyn01202 35
It seems that Google are on a drive to get people to sign up to Adwords.  Each time one uses the aforementioned Free Keyword Tool, you're bombarded to sign up there and then.  The timeout is less than a minute before you need to use Capcha again.  I wonder how long they'll keep this up for?  
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If you want to find color pallettes or design your own, look no further than Adobe's brand new online tool.   Adobe Online Tool
Have you tried the new Google keyword research tool yet?   It's looking a little odd and seems harder to use.   Let's hope it's only a Beta version.   Keyword Tool From Google
I know that we can do a similar thing here on WA to what's on offer below, but I've never seen it bofore and it could prove very useful to WA members as a cheap and cheerful add-on to your online marketing tools. If you're tired of performing the same old steps with your Internet marketing projects, how about outsourcing them ... for just $5.00. The site below looks very interesting and can get you backlinks to your site, visitors to your site, improvements to your site, any article written,
DVD & Bonus Workbook Review: Have you enjoyed the last few ebooks that you've read about the latest scheme that will make you wealthy or even a millionaire?  Most Internet marketers have 'suffered' at the hands of writers who promise you the earth from their website sales letters where you pay out your hard earned cash to download the latest, hottest and fortune making publication, piece of software or business service. Then, after reading the bumph, you think well, what now? T
XHeader has been available for free to those who purchased X-Site Pro website building software and to those who have been involved in any way with Paul Smithson the Internet marketer. Basically, you got a few templates to make headers for your website.  You could even download 500 extra headers if you signed up to Paul's email newsletters. The success behind X-Site Pro has been phenomenal with sales going through the roof and most Internet marketers using this software if they're not u
The Ugliest Affiliate Links Can Lose You Money Does this look familiar to you?: id=kinger0813 Yes, you guessed it, it's an affiliate link that you're supposed to send visitors to with your promotions and marketing efforts.  Ugly aren't they?  This is where some kind of cover needs to be used in order to make your link both memorable and easier for potential customers to type in. This is just one task that 'Powerlink Gene
You may never have heard of this software if you're involved in Internet marketing as you'll have been busy marketing rather than building your own theme for a blog. But, did you know that a great way of getting noticed is to have your 'Theme Made by' link at the bottom of tons of websites? Some marketers already do this but it remains their secret to getting back-links to their main websites.  Imagine being able to build 'themes' that can be uploaded to Wordpress and work with all the plug
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March 19, 2010
This article is from my UK newsletter but, reading through it, it is very appropriate to anyone running a business from home, even if it's an offline business. Walk Don't Run How many advertisements do you see in the various home business magazines that give you the impression that you can start your own business and then become a big, money making, success straight away? Earning money from running your own home business is, of course, possible as you can see people doing it all the time. 
I've lifted this from Jill Whalen's site to show WA members that they don't need to panic about duplicate content ... you're not being a criminal The Duplicate Content Penalty Myth Jill Whalen One thing that has plagued the SEO industry for years has been a lack of consistency when it comes to SEO terms and definitions. One of the most prevalent misnomers being bandied about is the phrase "duplicate content penalty." I’m here to tell you that there is no such thing as a search en