Updating Training Resources
Last Update: April 19, 2012
Thought I'd ask a question of the 'WA Powers that Be'. Why does training need to be 'reviewed' once it has been edited? I'd like to be able to update some of my resources but if something goes wrong it goes 'under review' and I can't touch it until someone has approved that change?
I can submit a new piece of training with no review, why do I need to have 'approval' to update my own resources?
I suspect that this is a hang over from the old system where anyone could edit any tutorial. But that 'ability' isn't available any longer, so why the wait for approval??
Just a question.
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This is likely a bug that is going to be fixed today. Are you getting the "pending" page and you cannot click on it when you go to update the training resource? If so, we are hoping to have some fixes for this early today.
As for the "everybody" can edit system, right now only people can edit their own resources, however we may introduce a component or a variation of this going forward..in particular for ambassadors and regularly creators.
And thank you for taking the time to update your training guys...stuff does get outdated and the more current you can keep your training, the better help it is for readers. :) Kudos on the updates!
As for the "everybody" can edit system, right now only people can edit their own resources, however we may introduce a component or a variation of this going forward..in particular for ambassadors and regularly creators.
And thank you for taking the time to update your training guys...stuff does get outdated and the more current you can keep your training, the better help it is for readers. :) Kudos on the updates!
I have been working on updating mine also. What I have been doing is copying to a text doc and then editing there . I then reload the finished page back to WA. Any other way and I lose track of were I have been since you can't view your editing changes if you leave the page and come back. I then do the same with editing the images.
I would imagine K&C will get it working properly soon but are currently busy with more demanding issues. I would think they are more concerned at this time with the front side of the site and getting the 10day free trial online as soon as possible.
I would imagine K&C will get it working properly soon but are currently busy with more demanding issues. I would think they are more concerned at this time with the front side of the site and getting the 10day free trial online as soon as possible.