Posts by Michele 2
 Its been a wee while since I last had the urge to write a blog, but just had to share this story with you all.   Last night was like any other night here, and I had just come down from laying down with my three year old to get him to sleep.  All of the boys who need prompted to have a shower had done, so thought I should nip in the shower, while my partner took the dog out.   Then, world war three launched in my boys bedroom, with Fraser and Callum on a mission to kill each
 I havent kept up with doing blogs, posts etc, I suppose I felt that I didnt have much to write about.   Anyway, I have started on the 30 Day Success Club and just thought I would do a blog on how I have found it, just incase there are others out there maybe pondering over whether to do it or not.   My 30 day success club will be, in reality, my 90 day success club.  It seems to take me a wee while longer than all you experts out there to grasp a concept and then get rolling