My 3rd Site

Last Update: February 20, 2010

Okay, had a little headache building my 3rd site. What do you think? It's not really finished yet, need to tighten it up a little, but started building it this morning, and got interrupted MANY times by my 5 year old, and now, after 11.5 hours, it's kind of complete, kind-of, LOL

 What do you gals/guys think?

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Micky Premium
thanks guys...Yes, Sach411, it did take me that long, just a day. But in reality, if I didn't have any interruptions, it should only take a few hours.

Rocktivity, sorry, I didnt read your blog response before I read my PM. Ill take a look at it.

Thanks Evil and Nuwriter!
Sach411 Premium
That's great. I just don't believe you did it in such a less time.
rocktivity Premium
Perfect color scheme! I'll be PMing you about a product you might be able to use.
evilbiskits Premium
Cystal clear my friend. Good site!
nuwriter Premium
Awwwwww. Excellent research and orderly presentation.