Posts by Mirel 2
June 09, 2011
I haven't been using WA for a while, because I have been busy with my 9-6 offline job and creation of a new website.  I have been a member of WA for 1 year, but I havent done even one sale yet. However, I have started building my new website together with 30-days Success Club in february 2011. Today is 10/06/11 and I would like to announce that my website,  is ready now and I feel very proud of it. The website is completely for my local market and in russian language
August 29, 2010
Hello, everyone. My name is Mirel. Im totally new to Internet Marketing and WA. Completely confused here at WA spaces and dont know what I should be doing here. Feel myself like a little kid trying his first steps... just pressing any keys to type smth.  My initial goal is to learn IM and earn money (I guess it goes for everyone). Any help is welcome.