Yeah Traffic Player Now Auto Updates

Last Update: June 19, 2012
Being online for almost 4 years I've collected quite an arsenal of industry tools like "Traffic Player" that are among my favorite to use. With almost certainty I'd say Traffic Player is one of the best video embed tools on the market...

...The only downside was Mark Dulisse the developer and coder for this wordpress plugin is a fanatic about developing and adding more value that he'd release a new update every couple of months.

Now that may not seem like a bad thing, but I have traffic player on almost every wordpress that I set up. So when a new update came out I'd have to find the blog, delete the old plugin and then upload a new one.. It's a real pain when you get past past 50 wp installations .. I'd forget which I'd changed and all sorts

But Now It's just like any other plugin on Wordpress it auto updates from the backend with the tick of the box and a click of the button..

Well done mark for yet another cool set of updates.

I posted about it with a couple of other video options here And there's a free version you can try out too
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