Posts by Mmountan 2
March 01, 2010
Ok, Thus far I've managed to orient myself to the WA site, create my Space and add a few buddies. I began the Get Started training and I'm waiting for the next lesson to kick off. Meantime, my plan is to work through the site navigation and get a high-level overview of the site's content (it'll take me a while, I'm sure. This thing is content rich to say the least). I'm also planning to click through all the high-level topical categories of the WA forum. I think the WA System Site Map page is go
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March 01, 2010
Hi, I’m Mark Mountan. I am a living, breathing illustration of everything wrong with being an IM “generalist.” I know a ton about internet marketing, but I don’t know the first thing about doing it for myself. My knowledge is a mile wide and an inch deep. There is absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t have achieved massive financial independence by now. I have over 15 years of experience in web design, data application development, writing/editing, strategic planning and business devel
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