About Molinatore
Joined November 2009
I am a Married man,..lets say happily married,.with 2 beautiful girls,..i love golf and hockey. I am here to succeed,..and i hope i can!!
Molinatore's Accomplishments

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molinatore Premium
Wow,..well thank you all, for those kind works. Yes if i get stuck i will call for HELP!!!,..LOL!!,..Good to be here.
music_mom30 Premium
molinatore Premium
Thank you for that nice reply,..it's nice to be here!!
Manker521 Premium
Welcome to WA. This is a great place to be. Best of luck. if you have any questions just ask. :)
molinatore Premium
Thank you,..and if i do get stuck,..i will ask for some advice,..Thanks again!!!
samzoo Premium
Hi, and welcome to WA! I wish you all sucess here. Let's go for it togehter!
molinatore Premium
Yes we will,..Thanks !!
bybonline Premium
Hey there, welcome to WAU! Glad you made it. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I know of a Thursday online class that is dedicated to helping newbies....let me know if your interested.
bybonline Premium
Thank you so much for getting back to me, I am thrilled that you are interested in joining us for our "Weekly Internet Marketing Sessions".

The classes will be every Thursday @ 7:30PM PST / 10:30PM EST.

Please signup at the following link provided below, this will be needed in order to be a part of each Thursday night class.


Dim Dim is free...but if you sign up through the link provided above, for each person that signs up, they will increase the number of participants by 5...which will allow more people to get in on the meeting.

Also, we have created a group sign up page so we can send everyone the conference room invites and reminders to show up..:)

You can sign up for the meetings at http://www.websiteifieds.com/meeting/

This is only going to be used for the Internet Marketing Sessions, so you will not get any spam or unwanted emails....plus you can unsubscribe if you no longer wish to attend the weekly meetings.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.

We will see you there!

Fred Williams, Jr.
bybonline - WAU
molinatore Premium
Yes i would love to attend the Thursday class,..