Negative Vibes

Last Update: November 04, 2010

Managing to just about keep on top of the STFClub and tasks but getting negative vibes from my OH. She does not believe that this will work, she thinks that I am on a loser promoting a weight loss site (even though I point out that that is what the club is about). I also suspect that the time I spend over the computer is not appreciated. She thinks this is all abig scam.

 I am determined to keep going though. Bit to do yet but I aim to get there.


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ProSparky Premium
Stay with it are at least finding good support here at WA. Glad my wife has been supportive thus far but then she supports whatever keeps her at home. I will be leaving for awhile because I need to generating some cash flow and can't afford the membership here but once I can I plan on returning to finish my studies here. Thousands of success stories out there prove this is no scam and when you find the right niche for you....well then you'll have the last laugh. Best of luck.
Labman_1 Premium
I can relate Roger. My OH is letting me do my thing but is not supportive at this point. The big question always seems to be when will this effort start to pay off. I would like to know as well but for now I'm just gonna keep at it and hope my efforts are directed in the right place.
famousplumber Premium
Boy, do I relate to your post! Thanks for sharing this. It makes me realize that one of the many things I really like about WA is the continual support from the good folks in this community. I
wish you the best.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's very difficult when you are knee deep in an unfamiliar new world, and you have nay sayers who are not qualified to have any opinion one way or the other, but quick to rain on your parade. Guess you just have to be teflon and carry on. You know what you're doing, so just don't listen. Another thing, these nay sayers also don't realize the great marketing education your getting through your own efforts. When you break through, they'll have no idea what you went through, but they will applaud.
Jamie Smith Premium
I received lots of negative vibes when I started from friends and family. Now they all brag about me. Luckily, I don't get my self worth from others. The best revenge is living well, please continue moving forward Roger. Cheers to your success!