The Free Trial is Launched | Exciting Times

Last Update: May 01, 2012

This is kind of a welcome to WA, although Kyle and Carson will already have done that no doubt. You are coming in as very exciting times are opening up for all the members here.

Definitely not Dull but certainly an adventure!

I must confess that I am really fired up with enthusiasm for the new Open Education Project and the potential it offers, the WA community spirit seems to be working really well from where I am standing, and the addition of further up to date training resources from more and more members can only be for the good.

Notice the up to date bit. Internet Marketing seems to be changing at an ever increasing rate and for one individual to keep up with just their own sphere of interest is not an easy task. I finally have decided to put my hobby (photography) to use in the marketing world. Not as a photographer, I might add, but as someone interested in the field of photography. I am finding niches that I never knew existed and have got my first site in the subject up and running in only 2 days.

All thanks to what I have learned here at WA. I could never have put together what I have done without the help of all the active members here so now this has turned into a sort of thank you.

Maybe I should include a success story too! I finally sold something through my cat site. $1.60 from Amazon is not going to get me retired but it does mean that all except one of the sites I have set up so far have made me an income, no matter how small.

Like I said at the top exciting times are here.

PS. The future looks Blue as well, but if you are not into English soccer then that will mean nothing. Exciting times.

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HelRay Premium
Hi there from a fellow Cumbrian, albeit one who lives in London for her sins! I just signed up to WA for 12 months after completing the 10 day trial. Managed to get through 6 and a bit days training on the 30 day success program and am really keen to keep going so that I can eventually go part-time in my day job and hopefully one day get rid of it all together. Hope to share success stories with you,
kind regards
morlandroger Premium
Great Helen, I pay month by month (really should do the annual thing). My aim is for a serious retirement plan, and not by the time I hit 65! Taking action is the way forwards.I am Cumbrian by adoption, since 1978, but Mancunian by birth.
Thanks for your comment
And I, for one, am excited to be learning in this environment. Could not ask for a kinder, more supportive group of people to be learning and growing with. It still blows me away how much fun it is to be working with the folks here at Wealty Affiliate. And I made my first $22. about 2 weeks ago. :-) Sherry M
morlandroger Premium
There really is a buzz about things here right now, with some great support. Cogratulations on the $22 too. Great start