What a f*$£|*! Liberty

Last Update: November 27, 2010

That is "flipping" liberty for those of a sensitive disposition. I did a search for my article keyword in " " and lo and behold I came across http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Lose-Weight-Walking

Hey great I thought someone is using  my article http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Lose-Weight-Walking,-Six-Handy-Tips&id=5433226

Yep word for word except for the last paragraph, resource box and links. I do know that this is a recurring problem that crops up now and again for us all.

This is what I did

1)Posted a comment including the link to the ezine article. This has been published as you will see 

2) Considerered posting a copyright complaint to Hubpages then decided against to give the guy time to correct the article.

Meanwhile 3) my OH did a little research  into the other hub pages by him. Lo and behold they are all copies of ezine articles with the resource boxes left out!

4) Stuff that for a lark I posted the copyright  complaint to Hubpages. This is actually a legal notice with strict wording but I did say that if he corrected the page then all would be well.

Let us see what happens. Meantime my link is live and well in his page in the comments.


PS to this. My ezine article went live yesterday and has 80 viewings already! Great consolation. :-)

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Sherion Premium
I just tried to check his site out and it looks like it has been shut down. I clicked on the link you had above. So, this is good. They reacted quickly. My article was also taken awhile back. 2 of them. One was not profiting me. The other was giving me good exposure though. It makes me wonder though how many articles are used that we don't find out about.
NEA03 Premium
I see he is now saying thanks to you, lol
morlandroger Premium
Just been back to the hubpages site. The delightful Craig has deleted my comment but left the article unchanged. Reading hub pages policy statement he runs the risk of being shut down. (I hope).
morlandroger Premium
It is the weekend now so do not expect any results for a few days. Thanks for the congrats. 80 views in 24 hours is best ever although I do have article with 400 plus views. Click through is 9.2%. A little low perhaps but only first day.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's a real nuisance and a time waster, but usually all it takes is an email to admin of offending site, and the problem is corrected. Part of the business, I guess. Congrats on the 80 viewings!