Working Backwards - Part 2

Last Update: January 24, 2010

As I stated in my previous blog I had set an income goal of $4,500 per month from my Internet Marketing business (IMB) - the question now was how ?  And Where to start ??

I knew 1 of the componants of my IMB was going to be affiliate marketing.  Based on my goal of $4,500 I would need to earn $150 per day ($4,500/30) in order to achieve my goal.  I also knew that the affiliate programs I was likely to promote would generate between $15 and $30 each per sale. Taking my daily goal of $150/$15 and $150/$30 meant I had to make between 5 to 10 daily sales - now I was getting somewhere.

Now, I also knew that I could probaly convert between 1% to 2% of the click threw's to the affiliate sites.  Taking that and dividing by the number of sales I therefore knew I would have to generate a minimum of 500 clickthrough's and preferably 1,000 per more.

Based on that information I could now get to work - I knew the more targeted the traffic the better, and the further along in the purchase cycle I could reach the potential customer the higher my success rate would be.

In addition, since I would be generating a fairly substantial amount of traffic, and the fact that people often do not buy on the first visit to a site, it more often will require follow up marketing to the customer - therefore, I would set up a system to capture the email addresses of leads for follow up marketing.

With this information in hand I now had some tasks to tackle - I was now ready to get started making money!!

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