Posts by Music_mom30 13
June 23, 2012
Hello WA Family, I have been absent awhile, because I have been busy focusing and training in the last couple of months on running my first marathon. Had some injuries to overcome, but did so and ran a great race! I finished my very first marathon in 4 hours and 23 minutes and came in 16/50 in my age div 95/264 females and 235/566 total marathoners. I couldn't be happier and feel great and am ready to tackle my internet marketing as well as keep working on my music. I hope you are all do
Hello WA family! I know it's been awhile since I've been on here, I've been really busy working on my music, which in a nice way has incorporated what I've learned here at WA.  I still do other internet marketing too, but lately I've been really focused on my music website, youtube music page and just creating music.   My youtube channel is close to hitting 1 Million views!!  I would absolutely love it if you guys would go help me break that number :)
1 comment
October 29, 2011
Hey everybody!  Just wanted to share with you my first music video :)  
Just finished another Augustana cover, having way too much fun :)  
I'm currently working on my own album with lyrics but since it was inspired by my favorite band Augustana I thought I'd do some covers ;)      
June 20, 2011
Ran my first half marathon yesterday, IT WAS SO FUN!!!  I finished at 1:57:43 with an average of 8:59 per mile.  I came in 14th out of 142 females in my age division and 89th out of 912 females overall, and 318th out of 1418 total half marathoners.  As with many things in life, internet marketing is a lot like a marathon.  the first few miles are the hardest, but once you get running, just keep running and you'll  eventually get where you are going.  
Just had to share, running is a fairly new love of mine and a couple of days ago I decided to sign-up for a half marathon.  I'll be running on Father's Day...13.1 miles :)  Wish me luck!!! Oh and I do believe I forgot to officially publish my Little Nest Eggs course I put together quite a few months ago...if any of you need any assistance, it can help Have a great weekend!    
Just finished another YouTube video for another song from my album Explorations, the song...."Alaska".  Enjoy!
I think the title says it all :)  Very happy that my music is getting heard and enjoyed around the globe!!!!
February 26, 2011
Hey WA family :)  I just finished redoing my music website and have been shocked by the number of views one of my YouTube videos has gotten, over 20,000, crazy!  Anyway, if any of you are interested, check out my new website at