About Mysticmama
Joined April 2009
Hi my name is Bambi aka: Mystic Mama...I live in the Highland Park area of St. Paul, MN, with my hubby Scott, a 12 year old pit bull named Koko and the infamous Maine Coon: Mr. Kitty Wompuss. I am a writer, visual artist, ICNHA Certified Henna Artist and a metaphysical expert. I have been doing tarot card readings for over 30 years and teaching others for over 20.
I have 3 grown up boys and a darling new grand-daughter named Aaliyah Rose. My hubby is a severe burn injury survivor.
Mysticmama's Accomplishments

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jolly Premium
Hi Bambi Jolly here, tks for the help offered - appreciated - I see you do tarot cards - I live by it!! I read my horoscope and tarot reading EVERY DAY ! Are you on the net? Im am also doing some art but I paint on canvas VERY RELAXCING who knows maybe 1 day I will be famous hahaha - As for hubby ON THE INSIDE NOTHING CHANGES THE OUTSIDE IS ONLY A VECHILE TO CARRY THE GOOD YOU HAVE INSIDE and as you said survivor - with a loving family (and you look it ) it should not be to difficult. God Bless
mysticmama Premium
Hi Jolly...Here is a link to one of my art lenses on squidoo that can help you learn about all the ways artists can make money with their artwork online : http://www.squidoo.com/artists-make-money-online
I don't know if links work on this chat dealie, but you can copy and paste it in your browser if it doesn't...
Also here is the url to my tarot blog: http://mysticmamatarot.wordpress.com/
there are links on the blog to my tarot lenses...I'm new to internet marketing also, but hopefully this wealthy affiliate site will make it start to pay off...I'm very bad at being patient...thanks for saying hello, I added you to my buddy list,
Peace - Bambi
jeffrey73 Premium
Hi Bambi, Just passed by your profile and decided to check it out. I just started last week. It looks like you have some good sites going! I'm glad to affiliate with you here at WAU.
mysticmama Premium
thanks for stopping by to say hello...Good luck here at WA!
MrAlaska Premium
Hi Mystic, I havent made any sales either. Its a process as im sure you know. How long have yo ubeen workig on yer existing campaign/s? Also Welcome to WA!
mysticmama Premium
Thank you for saying hello to me...Minnesota is too cold for me, but I have a friend from high school who lives in alaska now...nice to meet ya and much good karma and luck to you online :) Do you Squidoo?
jjsutton79 Premium
Hello MysticMama. I'm so sorry you feel that way. I wasn't greeted by anyone at all when I came and ever since then I've made it a point to leave some kind of "here to help" comment on as many new peoples introductions as possible. Sigs are a great part of WA and all of mine are all very useful and helpful especially for new people. I'd be glad to help if you need anything. Take care and have a blessed day :-)
jjsutton79 Premium
I have no intention of trying selling anything with my sig. I find it more helpful to leave a quick comment on as many new peoples posts as I can without wasting any of my precious time.(I'm here to learn too) This is so they can find me very easy through the "view your posts" link (rather than having to search through thousands of members here) if they have any questions. My selling tatics go on outside of WA (mostly in AdWords) :-) The only thing profitable for me in my sig is PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing. A few commissions from whoever may get it through my sig is pennies to me. This extremely helpful course itself getting to new people before they get frustrated and quit is what should be focused on on. In case you havn't looked into everything else in my sig, you should. All very helpful places that have helped me to get to where I'm at :-)
jjsutton79 Premium
Sounds good to me. I'm not very gifted when it comes to writing so I might be coming to you in the future for some help! :-)
mysticmama Premium
I'm sorry no one greeted you when you joined WA...I also try to say hello, especially when I see new people with unanswered posts, both here and at squidoo...I understand all about signatures being important...and I agree totally, but since you have so many links in your signature they appear to be the content rather than the 3 words "welcome to WAU" that you post as a greeting...perhaps a little longer and more personal post would make it not appear so self-serving...and more like you are actually saying hello and being helpful...instead of looking like you are trying to sell me something...I understand that we are all here to learn how to sell...but first impressions can blow a potential sale as easily as make one...people are more likely to actually buy what you are selling them if they feel like you are their pal and that they can trust you...try it, I bet you will be pleasantly surprised at the results :)
mysticmama Premium
That's cool I got here via pot-pie girl, then bum marketing- then WA...so maybe I'm just backwards...but being a guy is no excuse for leaving a short message...when you say you want to quick say hello to as many people as possible with out wasting your time...it makes it sound like a drive by hello...not very sincere...The fact that you mostly use AD-words explains a lot...Since that requires trying to say a lot in as few words as possible...I can see how you got into the habit of keeping it short and to the point...we can probably be great assests to each other...since I am primarily a writer/artist...I tend to be long winded and very descriptive...I of course do a lot of article marketing and I am very popular on Squidoo and headed for giant in june...so maybe I can help you be more verbal and you can help me be less...lol
Curtisnh Premium
Hi Bambi: Welcome to the community. I can't give you much of an answer to your question as I have been working exclusively on PPC, but I would strongly recommend that you post your question on the forum and try to give as much detail as possible as to what you have done. I know that often a lot of times, people will ask a lot of details about what your seeing and what your campaigns look like to help you. If all else fails and no one can answer, I'd fire off a question for Carson or Kyle to review your efforts to give feedback. I hope this helps and good luck. Curtis
Curtisnh Premium
Hi Bambi: I noticed you added my to your buddy list. I've added you to mine. I see also you posted your question in your blog. Did you mean to put that in the forum area or did you put it there too. My apologies if I'm telling you something you already know. If you look at the top left icon, there is a forum icon if you are not familiar with the WA navigation. I'm not sure if there is an article marketing top in the forum, but you should be able to put it under general marketing questions at the very least.
Curtisnh Premium
ahh..Ok. I'm glad you were able to get it out there and you are able to get to the bottom of whatever it is that is causing your efforts to not bear fruit.

mysticmama Premium
Thanks for the tips and help...I did post in the forum also...I'm just frustrated...I know my lenses are good, so I don't understand why I'm not making any money.
mysticmama Premium
No I still haven't figured out what I'm doing wrong yet...but still trying lol