Getting the Wheels In Motion

Last Update: April 08, 2012

From what I have read on fellow WA'ers comments and external website posts, I have come to realize that the issue of feeling numbed by Internet marketing is fairly common.  I know that I have been feeling that way for a while, even though I have already made a few sales from my Amazon niche sites.  But I also know that reaching out to others who have had the same experience with this sort of thing can help tremendously.

I am saying this because the act of procrastination is not just about IM.  It is a state of mind that is simply brought out by IM, whereas if one only has a full-time job where their work is already cut out for them, it may not be that apparent.  I believe that overcoming this hurdle in IM will allow you to overcome many obstacles in life, as it a matter of being more proactive.  It is also a matter of loving oneself and being a person of substance. 

Overcoming the obstacle of procrastination is not to be taken lightly.  Yes, while it is true that doing the work and seeing that first sale is motivating at first, it will not solve the problem of being a procrastinator.  I have often wondered whether it is simply a matter of maintaining a constant flow of action, which, by conventional wisdom, will catapult you into more action.  Like setting wheels in motion and letting inertia keep moving you forward.  But is it really that simple?  Maybe this concept does work for some in terms of getting things done for a certain period of time, but are people who do this going to maintain that inertia? 

I have always found that I am 10 times more productive if I not only keep moving forward quickly, but I do it with enthusiasm and joy.  But this is not always possible when you are at a point in your life where you feel kind of stuck.  I often feel stuck nowadays.  I need to make a full-time income working at home in just a few short months.  There is the added pressure that I do not have a stable income.  My work-at-home blogging job that I landed after learning IM through WA is enough to pay the bills...for now.

I'd like to hear from anyone who is going through the same thing, or has some advice to give on how to overcome procrastination...

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jatdebeaune Premium
This is what works for me. Don't spread yourself too thin, even though it's tempting. You can't humanly take on everything at once, so don't even try. Select one system to follow, one set of guidelines, one program, and follow it step by step. Master it, commit it to memory, and rinse and repeat. There is so much to learn, it's often tempting to spend all your time learning. But you need to bring in an income too. Seeing results from your action will cure much of the procrastination, by offering the incentive you need.
nadianasrallah Premium
I agree that seeing results from my actions will pay off. It seems that once I see some results, I keep wanting to see more. Maybe that is a good thing, I will not stop until I have reached my ultimate goal of making a full-time income :)
Labman_1 Premium
Your best bet for overcoming procrastination is a set of small goals. Set them Sunday night for the week. Give yourself a realistic goal for each day, Break this down into tasks needed to accomplish this goal for the day and prioritize the tasks. When they are done, so is your goal. Be realistic, be as detailed as necessary but if you have a target, it is easier to reach. Revise at the end of each day for the next.
nadianasrallah Premium
It's interesting that my hubby just did this for me yesterday night for the week. I now have a basic set of goals. Each morning, I will wake up and and make a task list for the day. It is better this way because once I have completed these tasks, I can feel better about having fun for the evening.