About Nattyo
Joined July 2012
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mama2karsten Premium
IMHO, you are at the right place for learning the ins and outs of internet marketing. My first tip for you would be... your 2nd website link has a comma after the "www," and needs to be changed to a period "www." otherwise customers cannot link up with your site. Welcome to WA
Thanks for your wonderful observation
Divine23 Premium
Hello and thanks , nattyo for following...very welcome to WA.
Kalevi Premium
Welcome! Don't be afraid to ask questions, no matter how silly they may seem. Try to stay as consistent as possible with your work as well, it really helps!
Linda Fedun Premium
Hi, and welcome to WA. I see you already have a few websites already, so you're ahead of a lot of other people. If you have questions about anything, I find posting a blog is the best way to go. You get answers from a lot of people, and can pick which one works best for you. Enjoy:)
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the follow! Welcome to WA!
As a new member what help can you give to me