Affiliate Bootcamp - One Important Aspect of Wordpress is Plugins

Last Update: April 04, 2022

Choose Your Direction

There are actually many different directions you can head with your Bootcamp site. Wealthy Affiliate is a service that encompasses many different industries and verticals and you can quite easily promote it to many different types of people.

This is a GOOD thing. This means that the opportunity to promote WA and become wildly successful promoting Wealthy Affiliate is vast.

I want you to read the following tutorial, it is going to help you decide on the direction for your business and reveal just how many directions you can potentailly head.

There you are, standing in a football stadium. 80,000+ wild fans, all of whom are passionate about something and have spent $100's on their ticket, not to mention transportation, food, and likely a beer or two at the game. The average sporting event costs a family $421 USD.

Building a Website Ain't Scary, It's FUN!

As a Premium member, you can build and host up to 10 websites (including websites on your own domain). That is more than adequate to drive many multi-million dollar businesses over time and our hosting platform is industry leading in terms of speed, security, and reliability...all critical factors to running a successful online business.

In this lesson we are going to be learning all about the "back office" of your website and how the different aspects of Wordpress function. Wordpress is a framework in which you are building a website on. Many of you probably have experience with Wordpress already, but many do not and that is perfectly fine (it can be learned very quickly). Plugins are feature enhancements that you can install on your website. There are over 59,063 different plugins, everything from social plugins that allow your visitors to share your posts on Facebook/Twitter/etc, to e-commerce plugins that allow you to sell your own products directly from your website. 
This plugin will crunch images that you upload to your website so they are smaller and they load quicker. This will make your website more efficient, run faster and ultimately rank better in search engines (search engines rank FAST websites better). This, combined with technology we have established with SiteRubix will give you the most optimized visual experience in the industry for your customers!

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