Posts by Nightowlpc 9
Since my stroke in late November 2008 I’ve had a lot of time on my hands and being a workaholic like I am, it does not help. The biggest problem I have is I could go for two or three day working straight through. I pick that habit up working with the Army working with the US Army I was working in a High security buildings in Japan & in Germany And you felt like you going in to a jail, going into work I had to pass through a control point they had at the entrance and a second one just in s
I think so. It not required knowing, but it does not hurt to. I am in the middle of taking an intro course in to programing now I can see why Kyle and Carson are so focused. I am very surprised how much focus it takes to write programs thinking about all the little details. I do mean the little details I mean every movement. And they say most programing language have the same ability of doing things. But the more I get in to programing I am starting to see some languages has an advantage over o
Good evening to all: Does anyone know what a 530 code is? On the Core FTP LE program; it act’s like it is a bad password, but I know it is correct because I Copy/Paste it off the WA’s domain page. My setting in the site manager is the default's setting with the correct UserName/Password from the WA’s domain page.I know the site is working because it shows the hold page fine ******* My setting: Host: Username: ftp_xxxx#xxx Password: ******* Port 20 timeout
I have found a lot of translator programs, but none work on the fly. You must create a domain per language I may see if it will work with sub -domain in some way. I know the grammar does not translate well because; I speak & read a little German & Dutch. I know I need to work on my English grammar also for my writing; I think that will come after learning French and Spanish and improving my German & Dutch. I feel this re-search is in line with my dream of retiring / working in Europe(Netherland
First off what is Dyslexia your eye sees correctly but your mine jumbles things up. I have found that hearing my lesson I can retain it better. So by knowing this I have located a small program that reads thing for me you can find them by doing a search for “text to speech program” there are a lot of them out there for free but I have found the ones on Apple platform are better. But I do not like the Mac platform; I have trouble working with multiple windows over the years I gotten
June 06, 2012
Since my last visit to Netherland and looking at my situation I’m in now with my disability and un-employment status and starting up this Internet Marketing business if I could get it running well to move to Netherlands and retire there since my stroke forced me in to early retirement this early in my life. That I should be some place I enjoy. And the mine set of these people is closer in line with my thinking. They are in general more open-minded and they do not fear the thing that is
June 05, 2012
Well I decided to go back through the junk I did back last August 2011and see how everything is doing I found my Aweber forms was not working my Aweber account is still working well. I look for hours to try and fine how to re install them and I gave up; that is when I decided to just give up on all that work from August 2011 and delete it all and start over anew; think of how to resume these niches from the dead. Other wise to recreate everything from scratch if need to. If you wish to review m
This was a short trip (20 days in total) but a very nice one; I decided to go and see my old boss/ associate (he was the Sous-Chef/ grill chef and I was the head waiter/dining room manager; And Alain’s partner was Raymond the sauté chef) that moved back to southern France; when the restaurant got sold & close; that I worked at for five year with him and his partner that pass away about seven years ago now. I figured since I was going to France I should start out in Amsterdam
May 28, 2012
I do mean Overwhelmed I wish to learn this stuff; but it makes me feel like a dummy! And I know I am no dummy. Yes I do suffer from Dyslexia and suffered a right brain stoke back in 2008, and the stroke may have amplified my Dyslexia and so I may do better in a classroom setting and the site new setup is very hard for me to navigate.Ido much better when I can hear what I am reading. So I use a text to voice program to read everything. Plus the loss of feeling in my left side does not help on my