Check for the blog created on July 2024

Last Update: July 29, 2024

I also want to discuss some concepts we aim to tackle with our writing environment because writing can mean many different things depending on your purpose and style.

  1. First point for discussion goes here
    • We are leveraging OpenAI and will be shifting to the latest stable model with an upcoming update.
    • The next iteration of the author environment aims to reduce AI-specific speak and improve content quality, requiring fewer edits from users.
    • Our approach with AI is AI-assisted, meaning AI does heavy lifting, but human involvement is essential from design to polishing the content.
  2. Second point for discussion goes here
    • Our approach with AI is AI-assisted, meaning AI does heavy lifting, but human involvement is essential from design to polishing the content.
    • Integration of appropriate imagery into articles, giving users ideas on when and where to incorporate images.
  3. Third point for discussion goes here
    • asdfhakjsdhfkj ahsdkjf hakjsdhf kjahsdkjf hakjsdhfjkahsdjf ajsdhf jahsdjk hfkjashdfjk hakjsd hfkjahsdjf hajksdhfsad fasdf
      • gfsdfg sdfg usreiu gsidfjg kljsdklf jgklsdjfgkljskldfjg sdfgeirug jsdklfgj sdfg
      • sdkfjgk jklsdfjglkjsdlkfgjlksjdflg
    • This is the newly added text
  4. Fourth sdf asdf
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