The only thing that is constant is "change"

Last Update: April 25, 2012

I'm sure we're not unfamiliar with that saying. And changed it was (WA platform that is) and this new look greeted me when I logged into my WA account after a hiatus of a few weeks.

Took some time to reorientate thing I know: I missed a lot in my absence. Oh well, let's just look ahead and pick things up as I go along.

Looking forward to the new WA and the OEP!







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kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, change is inevitable, in particular on the Internet and here at WA. We are always aiming to improve our offering and I think you will see more "positive" change going forward. Change is good if it is done in benefit of the service and that will be our ongoing goal.

Great to have you back from your hiatus (sometimes it is a good thing to take a break sometimes)! :) Let us know if you have any questions along the way.
nooris Premium
Yes, the key word is "positive" change. Although I hope it is not too rapid that I will be catching my breadth trying to keep up. : )

It's good to be back though a lot to catch up, both in WA and my website. I know I can count on many good people here for help, including you, although I know how bogged down you must be.

Will definitely shower you and evryone here in WA with my questions. : )
kyle Premium Plus
Our goal with change going forward is to simplify... so all change will be good change!