A Moment of Silence as We Honor Them

Last Update: May 30, 2010

Press Play

God Bless the Men and Women in

uniform who gave the ultimate

sacrifice because of their love for

this Country they were a part of.

In memory of their call to duty we

honor them on this day. As we

salute those who served and

remind ourselves that their

sacrifice shall not be in vein. That

we, the People, ...will finish the

Battle they never returned from,

...seeking Victory.

May God Bless their Soul

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R-L-Atch Premium
I salute you for posting this... God Bless You! Rob
jatdebeaune Premium
Gave me chill bumps. I am also so grateful to the brave souls who have sacrificed their lives so that our ideals can be our standard of living. I don't want to ever do anything that would dishonor them or fly in their faces. Thanks Matt.
Old Mizer Premium
Thanks Christina. I promise my next chapter in this blog will be about IM. I have an uncle who was a Marine who got called out to deploy. Those were the longest months of my life. I was so glad to see him come back and feel for those who never did. A spouse, family member. They all deserve our respect as much as those who are no longer with us. God Bless them all.
cld111 Premium
Yes, I was just thinking of posting something on one of my blogs. Thank you Matt! And THANK YOU men and women of the armed forces. I appreciate you SO much!