S.510 ..The Vote is ON!

Last Update: December 03, 2010

While the Senate debates the bill along with suggest amendments to sugar coat is saying they will ban all earmarks and pork barrels.  Which can be watched at the time of this posting by clicking here now.

A vote on S.510 will be taken by the Senate at 6:30pm ET on 11-29 and a final vote will be taken at 9:00am ET on 11-30 during the session of the Senate on Tuesday.

If S.510 passes, you could be arrested for a felony for planting any food crop in the garden/s on your property.

 They debate over two amendments but it appears they want to pass S.510

Appropriately named the "Lame Duck Session", I think we know who the lame ducks are

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WRI Premium
Ya know if this thing does pass we can still give ourselves a pat on the back, because if it were not for folks like us spreading the word it would have passed without exemptions and that would have been,.. I can't even imagine what kind of that hell would be.
Old Mizer Premium
I see you know who the REAL Conspiracy Theorists are. The ones on the "Hill" and those that broadcast the news into your living room on a daily basis. God give me strength....
WRI Premium
Yeah, but if the 1099 health care amendment gets tacked on to this thing it will fail. About the egg farce that comes as no surprise to me, just like those salmonella infected tomatoes, they never told us were deliberately sprayed with chicken feces(supposedly as fertilizer) You know how they work create problem (fear) provide solution more regulations.
Old Mizer Premium
I was watching. $500,000 is not a very big number considering today's prices and costs. What people don't know about this Bill is that it will require "New" equipment that the "Agri-Farms" already have in place and those small farms bringing in, ..more than the dollar amount set, ...will need to purchase in order to continue their business. Which they can't afford. If they can, ...I wonder who will be there ready to sell it to them? It's all about "Big Money" as usual. All the way around. I heard dumb Dodd speak earlier in the day with his Hollywood type acting. Giving the reference to the false egg recall. Stating 1,800 were affected by it. Which included no deaths and is a hair of a percentage compared to a country of over 320 million.
WRI Premium
They added the exemptions for home gardens, produce stands and small farms with less than 500,000 in annual sales. A small victory, cause they are moving forward to the final vote on Tuesday. 69 Yes 26 No