Celebrate Freedom!

Last Update: July 12, 2010

Celebrate the Freedom that we enjoy on a daily basis and often take for granted. The Freedom that our Forefathers literally fought for so that future generations may enjoy a government structure they put together known as a Republic.

Being the 234th Birthday or Anniversary of this Nation. History shows us that most empires last an average of 200 years. So the Constitution that our forefathers spent countless hours structuring and putting together has well out lasted the average of any empire.

However, with the latest Administration filled with the stench of the Progressive Party appears to be doing everything in it's power to bring that rule of law, our Constitution, ....to an end.

As we experience the second 911 this Country has faced, it appears that no one is really paying any mind to it. The oil gushing into the water in the Gulf of Mexico is taking more lives on a daily basis than the first 911 will ever come close to. For those who haven't thought about it, that is exactly what it is. Another 911.

While the last piece of freedom seems to be hanging on by a thread, it appears the progressive party is looking to take that as well. Which doesn't pay much mind or respect to those who fought and sacrificed their lives, ...so we could keep this thing known as Freedom.

The First Amendment, also in the Bill of Rights, appears to be the last right they are determined to take away as well. The Freedom of Speech. Which also refers to "Freedom of the Press." It appears a giant corporation in the oil industry is tearing it to shreds. Along the coast in a part we refer to as "The South" in this Nation.

It leaves one to question what is next on their list. Will this monitor in front of you be the next Freedom of Speech they take away? Where ever you may be on the 4th of this July, take a moment and give special thanks for all the things in your life and the Liberty you have enjoyed during your life. We are ALL, ....Thankful.

"...except for two things. If it's a security or safety problem."

Really... Yet our southern border remains unguarded and wide open.
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Old Mizer Premium
From the research I have done, we have been offered help from day one from other nations. Politics and current events is my other interest. In case you hadn't noticed. You are correct, that joke for a leader in the oval office has refused them. Which I'm sure isn't the first time. I always here people say, "Why do we always have to be Big Brother? Why does no one offer to help us?" The hidden fact is, many countries have offered to help us dozens of times during a trial of disaster. 911 being one of them. It was our government that chose to turn down the offers of aid. Not that no one was willing to help us. It looks like the need for that 2nd amendment is getting closer and closer. Which is why our forefathers chose to put it in our Constitution. I loved your blog Joan. I want a lady like the one from our neighbors north of us. Being 88 years old she looked in better physical shape than I am. 8^)
jatdebeaune Premium
Nice to see CNN finally waking up. Transparency, hah! Where have they been? The sky is falling? Where have they been? We have to demand our right to know what's really happening in the Gulf. From what I've heard we've had outside offers of help, but the administration in Washington denies it. Stands to reason people would be trying to help us. The oil spill is a disaster of mega proportions and we haven't seen the full extent of it yet. Wait till it comes up the eastern seaboard. Is it incompetence or subversion? Or both? This Fourth of July, we have to think very hard about our constitution, our values, and how we are going to defend and preserve them. I say defend, because our values, as stated in our constitution are being assaulted from within. Thanks Matt for the tribute to our country and the consciousness stirring.