Feeling Overwhelmed?

Last Update: August 20, 2010

I have been here about 15 weeks and working very hard at all this.  I was so overwhelmed, like everyone is when they start here.  You know the feeling.  Read this, read that, ...skip over to here, ...try THIS!  I was pulling my hair out after the first month!

I thought, "You know?  If I could just watch someone on a video go through the steps of setting up a campaign and getting it out there online.  I might feel like I actually accomplished something and all these hard spent hours were not wasted.  Where do I look for something like this?"

Well I certainly didn't want to look online.  LOL  So I was watching to see if any of the members here had heard of such a thing.  Maybe something like, "A Crash Course for Dummies?"  Nah... nothing like that talked about.  How about, "A Crash Course for Newbies?"  Nothing in the Forum talked about was close to that topic either.

Then I came across it one day.  I don't remember what I was doing in here but I saw the name, "Evolution of a Sale!"  I liked the title and it caught my attention so I went to check it out.  Hey, ...going and taking a look at something doesn't cost anything.  Why not?

This is JUST what I was looking for.  These two members of WA had spent many hours burning the midnight oil putting this together. 

They got it done though!  It is awesome and I would recommend it to anyone who is new or been here a month or two and still not sure if you are doing the right thing.

The best part about this program being in video form, just like reading, ...you can go back and watch it over again if you feel you missed something.  Which is what I did a couple of hours ago for a refresher course.  So to speak.

Only to see they have upgraded the whole program.  Given it a new look and everything.  It looks totally awesome guys!  GREAT JOB!

If any of you reading this are new and looking for some direction, ...this is worth a few minutes of your time to go have a look at it.  I am living proof of how Evolution of a Sale can help a new affiliate marketer. 

One More thing.  If you are a little leery about trying something like this, ...they have extended the guarantee from 4 weeks to 8 weeks now.  Whatever you choose I wish you the best of luck here at WA.  There are some great people here!

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Fallulah Premium
I'm doing ok but why o why does this Evolution of a Sale keep popping up in front of me when I've vowed to stay away from all things shiny - no matter how good they are [lol]!?!?!
Old Mizer Premium
Thanks Louise, it is great! Isn't it? It certainly gave me a light when I felt I was in the middle of a dark tunnel. Not sure where to turn next. Kudos to you Pete, ...and Mike! I could tell that the program was put together by two people who were searching for the same thing I was. I can never thank you enough for showing me that light. If anybody new here is seeking direction, these guys DID it.
Slugger_mn Premium
Hey great post! Never gets old(: haha Thanks all around(: Lou you too(:
Louise M. Premium
I agree, they did an awesome job!! ;) I've read "Evolution of a Sale" and it's really good.