Solution to two Home pages on Wordpress

Last Update: May 23, 2010

I found this solution for when you have two Home Pages on Wordpress.

I am using "Colourful Paint" theme.

I knew I had to delete HTML from the main template but wasn't sure what or where...?? I found this on Wordpress Forum.

Try editing header.php.  You need to look for, and delete:


PM me or look on our Forum.  I tried to Cut and paste the codes in, but it is not working for some reason and I don't want to type it in wrong.  Hyperlink not working either.





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OneProsperity Premium
Thanks for the input :)
JaredB Premium
Be sure to copy the original code into notepad before you alter it. That's a great insurance policy!
magistudio Premium Plus
Oops me too!

It's line 68 in the header php code
magistudio Premium Plus
Look for the following in that templates header.php and remove it: