Waiting for pending sale?

Last Update: May 13, 2010

 I just checked my Clixgalore account and it says I have one Pending Sale.   I am wondering when it will come through or maybe it is still going to be decided IF it comes through?  Now I know I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch BUT this would be my very first sale!!  It has been showing like that for 2 days.  Any comments?

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mywa32 Premium
You're first sale...that is so awesome and exciting. Congratulations! do your happy dance...good work and keep it up, it only gets better from here...
magistudio Premium Plus
It could be waiting for authorization from the cc company of the customer or they're doing it on purpose because Clixgalore knows it's your first sale and they're a bunch of pranksters.

But probably the first one.. ;)