Wordpress to WA Hosting

Last Update: May 18, 2010

Thanks to Welshy video for step by step instructions.  Unfortunately I am not up and running yet but I will get there.  

Can't wait to play with Wordpress!!!  

Feels like I didn't get very much done today, really need to start a to-do list for tasks and stick to it, like any job really, otherwise it is so easy to get side tracked!

Task No. 1 - Get Wordpress up and working :)

Task No. 2 - Learn how to use Wordpress !!!

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andys43us Premium
Welshy's videos are great, aren't they? You will be set up in no time. And WordPress is really easy to learn. All the best!!
OneProsperity Premium
Thanks :) I will look into that!!
magistudio Premium Plus
WA actually has a task & goals area where can create a to do list. https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/tasks
