About Opemot
Joined June 2012
My name is Ope. I live in Scotland UK. I stay online most of the time and I have read some articles and seen some videos about people making money online. Hence, I got interested but I have not been able to get the real deal. I have spent some money online only to discover they were just hoax. I gave up hope and I thought all these online money making advertisements are fakes. I hope this website would proof me wrong. I would appreciate anyone that can help me in achieving my aims because I have zero knowledge in this..Thanks!
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bigstevec Premium
hi ope - i'm about in the same boat as you and am having a somewhat difficult time navigating my way around - but by staying at it and trying to find what i need and rereading some of the articles and posts, the process has gotten easier - like they say 'anything worth having is worth working for' and i do believe we have stumbled upon the 'real deal' i hope it all works out for you
opemot Premium
thank you!! Hopefully we would achieve our aims here. The tutorials and trainings have been so useful and the members are always ready to help
kendrick Premium
Welcome abroad!
opemot Premium
thanks Kendrick
Hi hw r u
opemot Premium
I'm fine.. still finding things a bit confusing here
opemot Premium
hey Adebo.. You are from Nigeria right??? When have you been here?? I may need your help
Hi, i'm nigerian...i just joined yday and i'm still trying to find things out. are you on skype? I have some IT expertise tho so i might be able to help a bit
opemot Premium
yeah! I'm on skype-opemot
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to WA! I would start here https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/share_zone/view/1057 and feel free to ask as many questions as you need.