The Empty Space

Last Update: February 26, 2010

I got in here and I was ticked the second I arrived. I think this was because deep down I knew I was in the right place, but my emotions hadn't caught up with my mind. I guess that's a good thing though. I wouldn't want my mind to have to catch up with my emotions. This is the most impressive place I've ever seen. I finished step two and can't go on to step three yet; but that's okay, I love blogging. This place flows like a well oiled machine all the sudden. I feel like what I think matters here. And not only that; those who know that it matters can help me to see 'why' it matters. I'm an intelligent guy, but I never had the good fortune of hindsight in these matters, much less that of foresight. But I'm here, in a place where I can kick around and get a feel for the "TURF" as though it were a condensed form of the internet as a whole. The only thing that produces these kinds of results is real knowledge, which is invariably accompanied by  grace and courtesy. That is what people deserve. That is what we have been looking for. Maybe it was there, in other places; but I don't know that it was so complete. To be honest, I'm pretty sure I knew and that's why I kept on searching. I think that telling myself all the other programs were "the one" caused me to feel distress upon my arrival. I know that I am not the first.

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