Posts by PC_BC 2
  Omar El Akkad From Saturday's Globe and Mail <!-- /#credit --> Google engineers have spent 1,000 man-years trying to understand the apple. Intuitively, it’s simple: An apple is the round thing hanging from the tree. But it’s also the company that made the iPod, and the Beatles’ record label, and the thing your neighbourhood farmer’s market sells every Sunday. When someone simply searches for “apple,” how do you tell what it is they’re looking for? “When I built
Hi all.  Here is my first post.  I am new to all of this and really find it interesting.  I thought I would pass this on to every one and hope it helps in some way. How To Set Social Media Goals The point of setting goals and tracking results is to become aware of how your actions impact the outcome. If you take conscious steps and then observe the reactions, you become responsible and completely aware of how you control those results. Awareness = Control If you think you can’t