Posts by Penelope 5
May 31, 2011
I have to leave this website due to ongoing health problems but I hope to return some day to resume my training. I have enjoyed my time here and wish everyone much success. God bless, Robbie Parham (Penelope)
August 15, 2010
Are you ready for some football????? My favorite time of the year is here. FOOTBALL SEASON !! Of course, my favorite college team is The Arkansas Razorbacks ! I think they should have a good team this year, I sure hope so but good or not I am a forever fan.                         S.E.C. TEAMS  ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, AUBURN, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, KENTUCKY, LOUISIANA STATE, OLE MI
July 17, 2010
My son called me yesterday to tell me he had found by way of a friend, a nine month old female Chihuahua whose owner was trying to find a good home for it. Needless to say we were thrilled to get her. She is mostly black with a little brown and white on her. Now Moo has a little sister! We call her Missy and she and Moo get along so well together.   
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July 09, 2010
Thank goodness I have my graphics back thanks to my buddy Sportsnut.  I would like to introduce Moo. He is a one and one half year old black and white Chihuahua. He belongs to my son but he loves me a lot too. He loves to play fetch and never seems to tire of playing. He is a good boy. No offense to any Cat people (or any other animals) but I have always loved dogs. I dont go to extremes like dressing them up in clothes except for a little sweater in the winter for Moo because he can get re
June 09, 2010
First of all this blog is for my benefit. It is a way for me to get used to writing which I have never done outside of a letter or an email. It is also a way for me to get my brain, such as it is, to thinking about putting something useful in an article.   I joined WA on June 6, 2010 and there is much to learn and that will be my main focus for a long while but I wanted to start this blog just to help me. I may not write every day but I do intend to record my thoughts, feelings etc as often
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