Show Me The Money!

Last Update: July 11, 2012
Not sure what I am after here, a confirmation I am on the right track and things will eventually come my way, a bit of direction that I need to be shown, or a harsh reality check that I have missed the point and am on the completely wrong track!

Anyway Here Goes!

I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for several years now, I started out when I was in some desperate financial troubles from a previous offline business, I got sick and had time to try and dig myself out of trouble and internet marketing sounded like it could be the answer.

I got caught up in some of the hope and promises that get thrown at you when you first start looking at how to make money online (I sure I am not alone on that one, go on admit it!), but luckily I found WA, and although I have been close to losing that access when I couldn't make the monthly payments, I have somehow manged to survive this far!

I was in a hurry to make money, so I absorbed all I could from the training and got to work.

Each time when I couldn't see success I would doubt myself and go back to the learning and it would seem someone else was having success doing it another way, so I would do things that way as well, and so on and so on and so on!

This is what I have so far and I still make little more than pocket change!

I have around 10 websites selling various amazon, and clickbank products, 2 of those clickbank products are my own e-books.

Several of those websites I am building lists from via aweber and have begun creating email marketing campaigns.

I have adsense campaigns on a few of these sites

I have started my own local SEO business.

I continue (slowly as it may be) adding content to these sites, writing articles, book marking, social marking, pinning and everything else I have read about people doing.


I guess the questions I keep asking myself are,
Have I spread myself too thin?
Are the Niches I have chosen too competitive?
Am I targeting the wrong Keywords?
If I keep doing what I am doing, will the traffic come?
Am I on the right track?

I know those are questions not easily answered without digging deeper, so I suppose I am just putting it out there to the universe in the hope I am on the right track and all good things come to those who persist when others don't!

Anyways, thanks for listening!

Back to the grind stone in the hope I can forge out a brighter future!

See ya on the flip side!
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jpnetco Premium
Someone once said making your first million dollars is the hard part, but once you've made your first million, making another million is easy. I'm sure that has to do with learning all the ropes on the first mil and finding what works and what doesn't then rinsing and repeating what works for the 2nd mil. I am certainly no expert on making money online, I think I've made about 3 dollars so far, however I have become well versed in the art of having too many irons in the fire. So here are my initial thoughts when I read your post.

Have I spread myself too thin?- It sure sounds like it. I know there are those here and elsewhere that have multiple sites and projects going on at any given time and are posting success nuggets from time to time, but I'm sure they have their struggles as well, those just don't always get posted as often. I'm learning quickly now after joining WA and reading and listening to others, that the only way I will ever be able to master many things is to master one thing at a time, or if the word Master is overwhelming, then let's just say to become proficient at one thing at a time. At some point it becomes second nature to do a task and at that point then you can add another task to your arsenal. The trouble is that it's too easy to want to move on to something else,because it's exciting and even energizing to learn something new. Sometime's it takes a forced focus to continue doing the same thing until it becomes second nature. To gain a strong foothold you've got to master all the steps, but you must do it one step at a time to get to the top.

Are the Niches I have chosen too competitive? Very possible they are, and/or too broad or without the right audience. Fortunately, you are in the right community to find those things out. There are those here who are willing to look at those things for you and give you their thoughts based upon their experience. Ask one thing at a time and use your results to make your corrections. Then divulge your next struggle, and so on , and so on. Master each one for your own sake and the sake of those to come who will have the same struggles to whom you will someday be able to shed some light as well.

Am I targeting the wrong Keywords? Quite possible, Jaaxy seems to make easy work of correcting that however, and again there are those here who have a vast knowledge of choosing the best KW's and have written tutorials and blog posts and are also willing to answer any questions you may have and perhaps help you pinpoint the proper process.

If I keep doing what I am doing, will the traffic come? I'm sure some traffic will come. Do you have a traffic goal for each of your sites, (as much as I can get doesn't count, we all want that) are you tracking results and seeing what works and then amping those things up. Only makes sense to do more of what works and less of what doesn't. Once again, there are those here who have a real grasp and true understanding of how to track and measure results, if you learn to do that you will be able to answer this question for yourself with great confidence. Which leads to your last question.

Am I on the right track? YES, MOST DEFINITELY, WITHOUT A DOUBT. Sometimes we get tunnel vision and it tends to blind us to the road signs assuring us we are following the right path to where we want to go. Presuming, of course, we know exactly where we want to be.

Hope this helps somehow. Unfortunately, I am not yet the master of any of the technicalities of the above, but I am on the same sojourn as you and many others here and these are just some things that are becoming more and more apparent to me.
PeterJM Premium
Thanks jpnetco for your response!

I think you have nailed it about taking one step at a time and bringing one problem at a time here to the community.

I have certainly been frustrated before with a lack of response from the community, or a response that was way off target to my initial question, and I guess I have had better response when I ask a single focused question.

I will take all you have said and re assess my goals, and continue to move forward.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond, I wish you luck with your endeavours as well and if there is anything I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to ask!